Polish – French Polish


  • A traditional French Polish
  • Gives a rich amber glow found on fine antique furniture
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Confusingly, French Polish refers to a range of polishes (which would include Button Polish, White Polish, Garnet Polish etc) and to a specific polish, French Polish.

Our French Polish is a traditional blend of solvent (methylated spirit) and a top quality unbleached shellac which is very similar to a Button Polish in colour.

Applied either to bare timber or over a Shellac Sanding Sealer it is built up in many layers which have been described as being the thickness of a cigarette paper!

French Polish gives the rich amber glow found on fine antique furniture and requires a very specific technique for application that is time consuming and laborious, but the final effect must be seen to be believed and the satisfaction of achieving it is its own reward.

A French Polish finish is not very hard wearing and is recommended for items that are going to be cared for.


Typical uses

For a high gloss finish on fine furniture

Method of application

Traditional French polishing techniques with a rubber

Drying time

5 minutes


5-8 sqr m per litre


Can be used over Shellac Sanding Sealer; WoodWax 22 can be used afterwards once the polish is completely dry

Tips: French polishing is an art that requires a lot of time and patience! Use our 100 % cotton rags for polishing rubbers 


Methylated Spirit

Safety Considerations

Highly flammable (see Safety Data Sheet or warnings on can for full details).

Supplied – 500 ml container


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